Sunday, September 14, 2008

Going Beyond the Physical

Krista Tippett hits a home run with this interview with Seane Corn concerning the heart of Yoga on her radio show Speaking of Faith. Worth the listen and even worth a listen to the unedited version. Brew some relaxing tea and settle into your favorite cozy spot to listen and enjoy.
Here's a little teaser:
"Because that is the experience that one has when they are aligning the mind with the body. And that's really the next part of it, too, when you're talking about the benefits of this practice. It comes to this: In the practice of yoga what we're taught is that there is no separation between the mind and the body, and everything that we're thinking or feeling or experiencing over the course of a lifetime, or lifetimes, has an effect on your cellular tissue. So your body remembers everything and even though we have as human beings a gorgeous ability to reconcile or to reason, our bodies don't have that same ability to heal unless we're moving through experiences in our life in a spiritual way. So what I'm saying is if we're holding onto hate, blame, shame, anger, rage, sadness, or grief, something like that, those emotions can be as toxic on our physical body as a poor diet or as inertia. They manifest as tension, stress, and anxiety. So our physical body is actually masking the emotional resonance that lies beneath it."

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