Sunday, May 04, 2008

All Stories are Created Equal

I was cleaning up my apartment and stumbled over this quote from my acupuncture school days. Life is full of camps. Ours vs. theirs. I'm always looking for inspiration to help dissolve our divisions.
This quote helped me resolve my understanding of the many mysterious contradictions in Chinese Medicine and has became a great guide for the rest of my life as well.
....The momentary stability afforded by such models is an illusion because the essential nature of life remains chaotic and unknowable. Models are tools, elaborate stories, and we must recognize them as such. Diversity is what emerges when individuals are each able to embrace the freedom to create their own mythology while simultaneously allowing others that same freedom. For the sage, all stories are created equal inasmuch as thy empower the creative flow of life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder Chris. It's so easy to get caught up in the idea that the model is the truth!!! Why are we so afraid of the unknown when we live it every day- mysterious contradiction.