Friday, February 01, 2008

Healthy Glow

I was putting paper in my African Grey's cage, when I stumbled on this New York Times article from back in December on Acupuncture Face Lifts. More and more people have been asking me if I can help them or their friends look and feel younger. Classical acupuncture, which was the bedrock of my training, offers the hormonal help that most of us need to look younger, but more importantly feel younger too.
Here's an excerpt from the article that I would agree with.

That said, holding tension in one’s jaws or brows can make a face appear strained. I am a teeth grinder with a tight jaw. Mr. Seplow inserted needles into my jaw area to relax it. He also assessed my systemic issues. Red blotches above my cheeks, he said, were a sign of sluggish digestion, so he put needles into my feet and legs for this.

Many cosmetic acupuncturists pride themselves on their holistic service. “The way I look at it, your health is reflected in your skin,” said Anita Lee, a licensed acupuncturist who has a private practice that specializes in women’s health in Manhattan. Because acupuncture facials improve circulation and unblock stuck energy, Ms. Lee said, “they help people heal from the inside out.”


Unknown said...

How true! People think that just working on the face will give them a youthful appearance. But as we've seen, plenty of clean water, clean air as we talk a walk and a good meal with a friend does wonders for our complexion. Thanks Chris- another timely message.
Libbie Rice

Unknown said...

I practice Virginia Doran's "protocol", which includes treating underlying conditions. It's one of the things I like about this method-I wouldn't want to just put needles in the face. Because there are a lot of carefully placed needles in the face, there is a lot of time to talk about supportive lifestyle issues such as food, exercise, relationships, etc. It is sometimes an introduction through vanity, career concerns, or whatever one's motivation, into acupuncture treatment, metabolic typing and nutritional support. etc. And I cannot lie, it is really fun to see someone get off the table, look in a mirror and be amazed at the change the needles can help bring about!