Sunday, September 02, 2007

Making the Effort

I have just been a part of three events in the last week where I witnessed amazing efforts on the part of the organizers. The first was last week's triathlon. The volunteers and organizers were there from before dawn to well into the afternoon, setting up, holding a well organized event, and breaking down all the equipment. No couch potatoes here.
The next event was my friend Sheilah's sculpture exhibit. Collaborative Concepts had 50 acres on a farm with 30 to 40 major installations. All the work to create the pieces and then getting them to the farm must have been exhausting. As you can read in their blog, the collaborative organized everyone for months ahead of time and pulled it off without a hitch.
Lastly, at my Mohegan Colony, Lyle Puente of My Brothers Banned, single handedly organized a movie night at the lake for our entire community. He schlepped the gear, chose the movie and sent out dozens of emails. It was a perfect night and a real treat.
Thank you all for enriching my life!

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