Monday, August 27, 2007

Rainbows, Black Bears and a Friend

After finding out that I came in 2nd in Sunday's triathlon, already a dream come true, I realized that actually the best part of the day was all the poetry I witnessed along the way.
It started with a lovely morning rainbow spilling into the far end of the lake.
Just as we were about to start the swim, I connected with a great friend, who had came to cheer me on. It made the biking hills feel much easier this week.
And then there was the bear!!! .....holy Smokey decided to run across the road directly in front of my path and then ran with me along side of the road. I could hear him/her just behind some bushes. Well, there was the motivation I needed and off I went, nearly breaking the sound barrier!
A great day on all levels - physically mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

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